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SEIRPC assists economic development and business groups, cities, counties and local bankers throughout the region with business revolving loan funds as gap financing. SEIRPC staff are ready and available to make personal visits to meet with businesses and lenders. The RLF complements primary lenders and businesses to retain and create jobs.
SEIRPC manages nearly $4.0 million in loan capital to serve southeast Iowa. Loan capital is sourced mostly from federal funds. SEIRPC RLF operations are funded through interest payments and loan fees. Staff are available now to discuss your project, idea or dream to create and retain jobs here in southeast Iowa.
RLF can be used for working capital, equipment, and remodeling/building.
Henry County Applications
Keokuk Applications
SEIRPC RLF Loan Review Committee
Steve Brimhall
Bill Small
Klay Edwards
Brooklyn Holcomb
Chad Hudson
Mark Huston
Mike Pribyl
Barb Smidt
Jim Olson
Rob Ritson
Keokuk RLF Loan Review Committee
Harold Peterson
Carole Betts
Greg Miller
Mike Pribyl
Josh Kirchner
Ex Officio:
Shelley Oltmans
Joyce Glasscock
Henry County RLF Loan Review Committee
Scott Baylor
Klay Edwards
David File
Robert Meyer
Jim Henns
Ex Officio:
Gary See
SEIRPC staff was busy this year with the requests and project funding with the Revolving Loan Funds along with all the required reports and onsite visits to existing loan recipients. The following loans were made to the following businesses over the past year:
211 North Gear Avenue, Suite 100
West Burlington, Iowa 52655
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